M&R associates design has been recently working on an exciting project. Designing the interior and floor plan of a Boeing 787-900.
This new interior design was developed for a specific customer’s request.
M&R mission was to create a contemporary home feeling, a purified style, with large open spaces, using as much natural as possible.
Cerused (limed) wood and textiles such as linen, cotton and wool are contributing to this natural atmosphere and contrasting with titanium, satin and shiny finishes applied on specific areas in the cabin.

In order to design this 787-900 VVIP interior, M&R has worked in close collaboration with its network of exclusive vendors and suppliers.
We have a significant experience designing new furniture, loose equipment and innovative cabin interiors. This is made possible thanks to M&R continuous desire to innovate and challenge the industry standards with the support of strong and long-term relationship with high-end suppliers, which will directly benefit to the Owner/Customer.